How to Install Nintendo Games iPhone via NDS4iOS

Ditulis oleh: -
Like we say in the previous report, NDS4iOS is an emulator that lets you play Nintendo DS games on iOS devices, like the iPhone or iPad. You can easily install it on iDevices though a few tweaks to be done first in Setting the date and time so that the emulator can run as expected.

How to Install Nintendo Games iPhone via NDS4iOS New

One again, no jailbreak needed to run the emulator NDS4iOS but if you already jailbreak your iDevice, please follow the installation instructions below: Install NDS4iOS for jailbroken iDevices (iOS 5.1.1 and above)
1. Add Karen Pineapple Repo - Open Cydia and navigate to the Manage tab - Sources Tap - Tap Edit> Add - Enter this URL: - Done!

 2. Install NDS4iOS - Tap Search, type "nd4ios" - 2 files will be found - file first: NDS4iOS (stable), is a build that is guaranteed to work well. Will continue to get regular updates. - The second file: NDS4iOS (testing), a test build that still has bugs and often to get updates.

 Alternatively, open the link directly below to directly install NDS4iOS (Karen repo should have added first): - NDS4iOS stable - NDS4iOS testing 

NDS4iOS to Install NON-jailbroken iDevices (iOS 5.1.1 and above)

1. Download NDS4iOS:
- NDS4iOS (stable) via OTA
- NDS4iOS (testing) via OTA

2. AFTER change the date on your iDevice NDS4iOS downloaded in step # 1
- Make sure you have downloaded the file using the link in Step # 1
- Go to Settings> General
- Tap the "Date & Time"
- Navigate toggle "Set Automatically" to the OFF
- Change date becomes: February 8, 2014
- Done!