How to Change the Windows 7 Desktop Being Android ICS (advanced users only)

Ditulis oleh: -

If you are fond of Android and a Windows 7 computer user, the following trick will surely like. Yes, this show is a way to change your Windows 7 computer to Android Ice Cream. Before you decide to try it, you need to know that we present here are the result of a collaboration called Flickr user David Molina and his team of

Android ICS to be able to bring the computer to Windows 7 as did Molina, you need to download the following file number.

- APPOWS2010 theme for Windows 7 from DeviantArt to tweak the taskbar
- RocketDock with a blank theme to create the dock on the left side
- Ice Cream Sandwich Icon Pack from DroidPirate
- Rainmeter system monitor and configuration tool for Windows
- Minimal Bar skin for Rainmeter to display the time and date
- Lexis skin for Rainmeter to display the weather
- Simplesentencethree for Rainmeter to display the music being played, located in the lower-right corner.
- Google Search Bar for Rainmeter
- Roboto Font (specifically for the Roboto Light)

You do have to download all files above. Do not be surprised if the size is quite big but it will pay off when you manage to bring Android ICS to the desktop. Later you can even make an appearance on the Android desktop to your preference via the icon pack is available.

It should be noted that these tips and tricks just for you that have enough knowledge about Android and Windows so if there is an error in the install process, you will not panic and get over it. For more detailed information on how to bring Android Ice Cream Sandwich to the Windows 7 desktop computer, you can look directly at the site Good luck :)