Emoticons: Android Application For Inserting Japanese Emoticons

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android emoticons

If you are an Android phone user and love the emotion or smiley like etc then there is no harm in installing Android application called Emoticons (Yanex). Emoticons application is a unique app for Android that can insert funny smileys or emotiocon derived from japanese emoticons. This Android application can insert emoticons funny in any editor box, either SMS, MMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, and many others.

Emoticons app was developed by Yan Zhulanow, an IT student IFMO Russia. Yan Zhulanow Emoticons inspired to make this application when he learned Japanese (Japanese language). Although he is a novice, but he has managed to implement it by creating an application that can insert emotion japanese funny and unique.
To get the Emoticons app, you simply install it via Google Play Store app available on your Android phone. Emoticons have two versions of the free (free) and paid (paid / pro). The difference between the free app Emoticons are paid only in the presence or absence of advertisements (ads) on this application. However, the features of the free Emoticons Emoticons exactly the same with the paid version.

When you have installed the application Emoticons, will appear in the notification bar shortcut named Japanese Emoticons. The shortcut can be opened without having to open the app Emoticons advance through the main menu or home screen. So, when you write an SMS or Twitter status, you just have to open the notification bar and then select Japanese Emoticons. Once the application opens and displays Emoticons many options smileys or emoticons funny. you just choose a course then it will automatically go back to the editor to resume write SMS messages or Twitter status. Long press on the editor, and then choose to display a quotation or paste eemoticon selected earlier.
Emoticons app is also equipped with the export / import which you can use to add new emoticons. Features export / import this using existing data.txt file on the SD Card where application data directory Emoticons are. Interested to use this app? Please visit the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yanex.emoticons. Good luck!