How to Make Twitter Client With Dabr

Ditulis oleh: -

Twitter is a portion of one of the social media need where this one is a micro blog that everyone is well-loved among young and old alike. If you are bored with twitter client for bertweet, would not hurt if you make a twitter client itself.

How to Make Twitter Client With Dabr

I will share a tutorial on how to create a twitter client for free .... and all that you may edit at will. course with php language. and a few edits then you will be able to enjoy your own twitter client.

What is Dabr? Dabr is a site (web) on the basis of PHP which is connected with the Twitter API for application / mobile devices like CellPhone. Dabr is a project of

developed by the incredibly talented trio of David Carrington, James Whatley and Terence Eden

About Dabr can be found here =>

How to install too =>

But you do not need to open the page because I will give way to make twitter client with Dabr.

How to install it fairly easily. Download files dibuthkan, namely Dabr file (download here now already revised to 492). I suggest to download via [SVN, find digoogle way] [] more updates ..
Surely you need a domain or if you already have a domain you can make subdomain'ya. If you do not have a domain, you can use a free domain .. In addition you also need a domain web hosting that meets the criteria. What wrote it??

PHP 5.2 +
PHP curl module
PHP mcrypt module
mod_rewrite apache module

Your server must be connected to Register your application on twitter here ==>
Name: * (fill in the name of your application)
Description: * (fill in your application description)
Website: * (fill in the url of your site)
Callback URL: (fill in the URL where you would install /)
Yes, I agree (check yes)
CAPTCHA (the contents of a given code combination)
Create your Twitter application on click yes.
if it is clicked on and approved by the twitter, then you get 2 key pieces of code: Consumer Key and Consumer Secret Key. you back to the twitter application that you created, click settings .. Application on the type you select the [Read, Write and Access direct messages]
then on the [Organization] you may fill out or not filled (optional)
when done click [Update this Twitter application] and then back to the [detail].

4. Configure Dabr to be installed.
Rename the file config-sample.php to config.php, and change some of the script such as:

/ / Cookie encryption key. Max 52 characters
define ('ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'Key Example - Change Me!');
/ / OAuth consumer and secret keys. Available from
define ('OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY', 'Consumer Key enter here');
define ('OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET', 'Consumer Secret insert here');

Do not forget saved

5. Dabr you upload to the server where you will install this Dabr.
6. Upload is complete, you just try it ..

If you want to make Dabr you can receive and send messages (DM), you have to go back to the settings app on twitter app ( and click the name of the application that you created -> then click settings -> on Application section type you should select Read, Write and Access direct messages.

Update: probably. Htaccess her to be added

RewriteBase /