Blackberry Tips: Causes & How to Overcome BBM Blackberry Messager Pending / Error (NEW)

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Blackberry Tips: Causes & How to Overcome BBM Blackberry Messager Pending / Error (NEW) - BBM is indeed an interesting chat apllikasi BlackBerry. Many people reasoned, tapped the fuel to just find a friend to do business can be obtained. The number of users or groups often make BlackBerry Messenger be slow or sluggish. This could be dikarenakanoleh slow connection, too many wear applications, BlackBerry in hot conditions. When the fuel being slow, of course, another effect that can be generated is pending or BBM message was not sent.

Blackberry Tips: Causes & How to Overcome BBM Message Pending / Error (NEW)

How to resolve pending fuel is easy. All you have to do is apply a few tips for your fuel stable and smooth messaging certainly not pending. Often people do PING requests to chat opponent, it is not useful to address the pending fuel. Keep in mind, that in the BB PING function with BUZZ on Yahoo Messenger. Here are tips on how to tackle fuel or pending or undeliverable messages.

BlackBerry Messenger Pending
  • Press alt + L, G, L, G.
  • The code aims to open the Event Log BlackBerry, once opened you press the BB button> select Clear Log.
  • Did BlackBerry application, select Options> Advanced Options> Host Routing Table> Select GPRS ID (510) [51,001,030] (the very top)> Press the BB button> Select Register Now> OK.
  • Perform Diagnostic Test, select Options> Mobile Network> Press the BB button> Select Diagnostic Test> Press the BB button> Select RUN and wait until the process finish. If it says "Your Device is in UMA mode can not RUN Test". Means there is a setting that does not fit. To fix this, go back to the Mobile Settings Options> Preferences conection turned into "mobile network preferred". If the setting "wifi preferred" will emerge problems like that.
 Tips to Avoid Fuel Pending 
  • Closely related to the pending fuel network in your area. If you use the operator with a weak signal. Then pending fuel will continue to feel if you do not change the operator that has a strong signal.
  • Avoid wastage of BlackBerry applications. Close or turn off the always-on applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, YM and other Blackberry applications often provide notification. Use the application is necessary.
  • Use one application are active on your BlackBerry device. If you get a mailing list that "High Traffic", it could cause the battery to be extravagant and heat. To prevent this use filters for incoming emails into your device.