Blackberry Tips: How to Save BlackBerry Battery (NEW)

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Blackberry Tips: How to Save BlackBerry Battery (NEW) - BlackBerry, above all the excess turns out there is one drawback that makes people switch to another HP. Quite often people assume, BlackBerry battery life is weak. Take a long time to recharge the battery but could only be made a few hours of usage is very annoying. Before blaming the quality of the BlackBerry smartphone it is advisable to identify the causes batteries to be extravagant.

Blackberry Tips: How to Save BlackBerry Battery (NEW)

BlackBerry Becomes Cause Battery Wasteful:

Weak signal - All HP when having a weak signal, up and down makes the BlackBerry work hard to find a signal. Cause the battery to heat up quickly and rapidly diminishing.

Background applications - One mistake that is often made is fixed or BlackBerry users do not know there was a lot of apps that are still running on the BlackBerry. Applications running in the background sometimes is Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, and so forth. For applications that do not use a lot of battery on your BlackBerry in order to remain durable.

Notifications indicator LED - Indicator LED notifications also can make your BlackBerry battery to be extravagant. For that you have to turn off this feature in setting.

Charging Not Perfect - Trivial but very influential. Many people that charge between full and yet the same. Incomplete charging will make your BlackBerry battery life size. Content before and unplug the battery drop after full.

BlackBerry battery life can be done, but can not be significant. Here are some ways to save battery BlackBerry is as follows.

BlackBerry Battery Saving Tips:
  1. SIM - Use the SIM card is a good signal in your area.
  2. Social Networking - When closing the accounts of social networking in order to make sure you've logged no notification for social networking applications.
  3. Charger - Use the original charger or original. Original charger that can perform optimally and fast charging.
  4. Contrast - Reduce the brightness of BlackBerry display.
  5. Applications - Use the minimum application.