Tips: Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy While Looking Often Gadgets

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Tip: Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy While Looking Often Gadgets - Now the internet seemed to be an integral part of human life , especially in big cities . No matter wherever its place , in one room there will definitely be more than one person who ducked his head down while his eyes fixed on the display screen .
Tip: Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy While Looking Often Gadgets New

Some users even worse ; after a busy day of work and require them to deal with computer screens , after work was also busy with social activities that are represented via a smartphone or tablet .

In addition to the muscles around the shoulder are tired of constantly supporting the load of the head, the eye muscles are also automatically become organ most strained for many hours in order to meet these demands . If your eyes start to feel tired and it is very difficult to hold, then you may have been exposed to CVS aka Computer Vision Syndrome . The signs of the onset of CVS include headaches , eye felt dry , blurry vision , farsightedness also permanent .

To raise awareness of the symptoms of CVS users in general , The Atlantic has just made ​​a video guide is intended to assist you in preventing the symptoms of CVS . website also recently posted about the infographic guide to prevent CVS . Broadly speaking , you should rest your eyes regularly and looked away from the screen for some time .
Tip: Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy While Looking Often Gadgets 2014