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Surprise, surprise! Gameloft has just bring Batman: The Dark Knight Rises for BlackBerry 10 OS devices. If The Dark Knight Rises previously could only be enjoyed by users of the Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8, Z10 now BlackBerry users can also play it.

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8 does not offer anything new to BlackBerry 10. The Dark Knight Rises is still struggling to eradicate the criminals in Gotham City and also rescue the hostages. And that makes The Dark Knight Rises is interesting to play this game supported 3D graphics impress.

So what else are you waiting for? Immediately eradicate the criminals and free the hostages in Gotham City. The Dark Knight Rises can you download via the BlackBerry World premises price of $ 1.99. Btw, you are still interested in playing The Dark Knight Rises?