10 Ways to Ask On Siri

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Still curious about the Siri personal assistant in the iPhone 4S? Siri is able to answer questions, execute commands and understand all your desires. In fact, some people have tried to give a silly question at Siri and the result? Siri remains intelligent assistant that has quite a lot of stock answers for you. Here we give 10 examples of how to use Siri, which certainly supports the activities of your day-to-day with the iPhone 4S.

1. Siri, Wake Me Up.
If you do not want to wake up late you will certainly settting the alarm on time. If previously you have to manually set it now with you simply ask Siri intelligent assistant is to wake you up at your desired fit. Just say "Wake me up at 7:15." Or if you want to sleep for a while, saying "Wake me in 40 minutes".

2. Siri, Find Coffee.
If you are located outside of town and want to keep walking around enjoying the sunny afternoon but had trouble finding a cool place to hang out, ask for help on Siri. No need to type in search engines to find the location of Starbucks, for example. Siri will do it all for you.

3. Siri, Do You Know The Way to San Jose?
As you drive certainly typing on the iPhone screen would be very dangerous. If you are looking for the way to a certain place or city, ask Siri to menjunjukkannya on you. Siri can be a shortcut to Google Maps agile and trustworthy. Siri will read out the direction that you will have to take even showed every turn that you will pass.

4. Siri, Play A Random Song.
For those of you who like to be picky in play favorite songs on iPhone, Siri for memilihkannya leave it to you. You no longer need scrolling or search the song you want, just say,"Siri play some Queen," then all of Queen's songs in the playlist will not play.

5. Siri, Send A Text.
SMS seems to be a mandatory thing that you should try with Siri. While driving or was doing other things that can not be abandoned but you also have to send an SMS to the wife since coming home late, ask Siri, "Siri, text my wife and let her know I\'m going to be late."

6. Siri, Will It Rain Today?
Aside from being a voice assistant, Siri also can tell the weather. Siri certainly not psychic but Siri does understand all questions relating to meteorology and weather forecasting. Try it!

7. Siri, Remind Me to Do This Every Day.
If you are too busy so often forget something you should be doing every day, ask Siri to remind him. Started to light things like brushing your teeth before sleep schedule until all matters before you schedule in Google Calendar, be reminded by Siri: "Siri, remind me to brush my teeth at 10pm every night."

8. Siri, Remind Me When I Come Back Here.
Siri is not so able to distinguish the location based on "home" or "work" when you're at home or workplace. But Siri really understand the word "here" is seen based on GPS coordinates. This will be very useful if you happen to be somewhere that you do not know the exact street or location.

9. Siri, Our Settle Argument.
Siri ter-plugin dlaam Wolfram Alpha, a computational knowledge engine that can tell you the high summit of Everest to the size of GDP is also a quote from Pulp Fiction. All that can be answered Siri with an easy to understand language. Siri will be able to give conclusions in plain language of the many things you find on Google, for example.

10. Siri, Send a Tweet.
Basically Siri is not integrated with Twitter but you can outsmart so tweet using Siri on the iPhone 4S will be easy to do as easily send SMS. Please see here for steps tweet from Siri.