complete tutorial how to install Slackware 13:37

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This time I will discuss about how to install Slackware 13:37. Needs are met to begin the installation are:
Slackware installation file (or DVD media etc.)
We just started without much further ado .....
Set in the bios in order to boot via DVD Rom,,, wait until the following display appears.

Slackware installation

then type "root" and press Enter, wait for it to come out like this

Slackware installation 1

after emerging as the above when we started to make its partition, I just assume that a partition in your hard drive is still empty .....
then we are typing the command "cfdisk" and Enter

Slackware installation 2

In this section we can begin to create a new partition. To select the menu below by pressing the right or left and to the top of the press towards the top or bottom
First we will create 2 partitions, the installation of which is to place the OS and one for the swap partition. For its OS here I love to swap my 13GB and 3GB love.
For the OS partition
Select the "New".
We select Primary
Content with the number 13000 (the same as the 13GB).
We select the Begining
Then select Menu Type-> Enter-> Input the number 83 (to select the type of partition linux)
For Swap partition
Select the "New"
We select the Logical
Enter directly
Then select Menu Type-> Enter-> Input the number 82 (to select the type of swap partition)

Slackware installation 3

Already sorted out, then we select the partition linux-> select the "Write" to create the partition. If there is a request for confirmation, typing "yes".

Slackware installation 4

After that select "Quit". Then we typed the command "setup". And munculah as below.
Next, we directly select to add a swap partition that had been made. Select the "ADD SWAP".

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Select Ok

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Select No.

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Then select Ok again .....

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that follows we brought her directly to make a primary partition space to mengistal OS. Directly select select.

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Then format ....
And select the partition type "ext4" ....

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Ok then ....

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And we choose the first menu, the install via cd or dvd ....

Slackware installation 13

Directly select the "auto"

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Here we can choose what packages to install, directly ok just because the future can add / minus alone applications that are not really needed.

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Choose the "full".

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Install process will be as shown below, hoping that the error was not there ....

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Which we select "Skip" alone ....

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Here is where the Slackware will install the LILO boot loader. LILO will be like a menu that will show what OS is on the hard drive (for this example is considered an empty hard drive, then later on it will display the menu LILO Linux OS only).
We choose a "simple" ....

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Then select the resolution used LILO aka, sesuikan only by resolution of the monitor you are wearing .....

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Just hit enter directly .....

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We select No. here ....

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We select the MBR to a place where LILO will be installed.
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Then we chose for its mouse configuration. We select the "imps2"

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Then select Yes ....

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Select No. ....

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Directly select Ok ....

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Select No. .....

We select No.. Then look for the area where you live, this time I will choose Asia / Jakarta.

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Here we will select the Session Manager that will be used (or simply display that will be used later), here I choose kde.

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Then we will create a password for the "root". Choose Yes ..

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After that there was a notice that the installation has been completed.

Here we will be brought back as the beginning of the menu earlier. If nothing will be changed back just select EXIT. And enter the command "reboot" to restart.

Where has restarted then later display at boot will like this.

When entered, the OS will call what files are needed to be able to execute his process.

Well if the above process which has been completed, there will be demand to enter a name and password. When you have entered typing "init 4" to be able to get into the GUI. (Sorry for the Tutorial It cuman 1 operating system Do not Dual Booting).

Thus turtorial on how to install Slackware 13:37, may be useful for you.