How to Use Photoshop for Beginners

Ditulis oleh: -

If you are a beginner and difficulty using Photoshop, here's a guide and how to operate the tools (tools) that exist in the software made by Adobe.

Using the Function Bar Application

File menu

New: Starting a new worksheet.
Open: Open PSD document or image file.
Save: Saves the document to the previous format.
Save As: Saves the document with the new format.
Save For Web & Devices: Save and shrink the size of the image so that it becomes compressed.

Edit menu

Transform: Managing / change the shape layer (rotate, flip, Scale, Distort, Skew, Perspective, Warp).

Menu Image

Adjustments: Manage / edit and adjust levels, color, brightness, contrast.
Image Size: Managing large image / photo in units, eg pixel.
Canvas Size: Managing the size of the canvas / worksheet.

Filters menu

Effects: Blur, Noise, Pixelate, Render, Sharpen.
Filter Gallery: Artistic, Brush Strokes, Distort, Sketch, Stylize, Texture.
Addons & Plugins

Using the Dock
Located to the right of the Workspace, through this panel you manage and edit photos. By default, the three panels will appear Layers, Adjustments and Styles.
Working with Layers

Layers, is a fundamental concept that must be understood when using Photoshop. Every time you add something to the worksheet (text, icon, shape, etc.), Photoshop will make it as a layer. Each layer represents a small part before it became a picture. An example can be seen below (note the picture).

There are 5 layers in the image above the background layer, shape layer 1 (black box), the rectangle layer 2 (red star), text layer "How to Use Photoshop" and the text layer

Using Tools (Tools)
Selection Tool

Move Tool: Shortcut (V), use it to move / shift the position of the layer in a worksheet or to another worksheet.

Rectangular Marquee Tool: Shortcut (M), is to use the selection box-shaped objects. Right-click on this icon to see its sub tool

Eliptical Marquee Tool: Shortcut (M), is used for the selection of a circular object such as eye circles, tires, etc..

Lasso Tool: Shortcut (L), use it with the click and drag to make the area to be selected. Formed in accordance with the result of the selection made mouse movement.

Polygonal Lasso Tool: Shortcut (L), almost the same as the Lasso Tool, but the selection is made up of dots click point being made.

Magnetic Lasso Tool: Shortcut (L), is used to select objects with free form, the workings of this tool is attached to the edge of the object to be cut when the mouse moves around the edge of the object, as long as the tool selection process forming the connecting points of the selection.

Magic Wand Tool: Shortcut (W), use it for selecting the area of ​​the same color. For example, if we click on the red area, then the area is connected with the same color will be selected.

Crop & Slice Tool

Crop Tool: Shortcut (C), use it to cut. Cuts will change the width and height dimensions shapes worksheets or photos / images.

Slice Tool: Shortcut (C), use it to cut the photo / image into parts smaller frame.

Slice Select Tool: Shortcut (C), use this to select the pieces on a design that had been previously cut by using the slice tool.

Annotation, Measuring & Navigation Tool

Eyedropper Tool: Shortcut (I), use it to take a sample of the color of the photos / images that will be the foreground color in the toolbox will change color according to the sample being taken.

Ruler Tool: Shortcut (I), is used to measure the dimensions of width (x) height. This tool is usually used to measure the width (x) higher in web design such as a table, header, content, sidebar, footer etc..

Note tool: Shortcut (I), use this to provide notes / messages as a reminder of the results of the design that's been made.

Hand Tool: Shortcut (H), use it to shift by drag & drop area of ​​the photo / image if the conditions are in the larger picture.

Zoom Tool: Shortcut (Z), use it to zoom in / sight picture / image.

Retouching Tool

Spot Healing Brush: Shortcut (J), use it to remove stains, spots on the photo / image. This tool is often used to remove acne and soften the face.

Patch Tool: Shortcut (J), use it to improve the photos that utilize pattern contained in the photo by selecting the damage and draw the selection area above the target pattern to cover the area of ​​damage.

Red Eye Tool: Shortcut (J), is to eliminate the use of red in the eye caused by the reflection of the lights flash when the camera snapped pictures in the dark / night ..

Clone Stamp Tool: Shortcut (S), use it to take a sample texture by pressing alt + click on an area of ​​the photo / image is then traced depicted on the photo to another. This tool is often used to eliminate objects that are considered important in the photograph.

Pattern Stamp Tool: Shortcut (S), use it to paint the image using a texture from an existing pattern in Photoshop.

Eraser Tool: Shortcut (E), use it to remove the part of the photo / image in a single layer.

Background Eraser Tool: Shortcut (E), the same as the Eraser Tool but the deleted area becomes transparent.

Magic Eraser Tool: Shortcut (E), use it to remove the area that has the character of a similar color to the photo / image.

Blur Tool: use this to disguise certain areas of the photo / image. Blur technique can also be used to soften the face.

Sharpen Tool: use this to sharpen certain areas of the photo / image.

Smudge Tool: use it to rub / smear particular area seemed like memorable photos were on a sweep of the index finger painting.

Dodge Tool: Shortcut (O), use it to give effect to the area of ​​the photo that highlights the area look brighter.

Burn Tool: Shortcut (O), the opposite of Dodge, this tool is used to darken the color photograph with shadow effect.

Sponge Tool: Shortcut (O), use this to change the level of saturation in certain areas.

Painting Tool

Brush Tool: Shortcut (B), use this to paint with brush strokes.

History Brush Tool: Shortcut (Y), use it to paint by using a snapshot.

Art History Brush Tool: Shortcut (Y), together with the History Brush Tool, but with a certain artistic models.

Pencil Tool: Shortcut (B), use this to paint with pencil effect.

Gradient Tool: Shortcut (G), use it to paint the area with a gradient blend of two or more colors.

Paint Bucket Tool: Shortcut (G), use it to dye layer.

Drawing Tool

Path Selection Tool: Shortcut (A), use this to select the parts are made by using the Pen Tool.

Horizontal Type Tool: Shortcut (T), use this to make the text horizontally. Right click to select the sub tool, Vertical Type Tool to create vertical text and Type Mask Tool to create text in the form of selection.

Pen Tool: Shortcut (P), use it to draw. This tool can also be used to select objects. Right click to select the sub tool.

Using a Shortcut
Ctrl + C (copy)
Ctrl + V (paste)
Ctrl + D (eliminating selection line)
Ctrl + Z (Undo)
Ctrl + Shift + N (New Layer)
Ctrl + Shift + C (Copy Merged)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K (displays a list of shortcut)