Tips Galaxy S4:How to Quickly Access Google Now

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How to Quickly Access Google Now

For Android smartphone users who use the on-screen keys, access Google Now feature (specifically Android 4.1 Jelly Bean up) is easy because they only live to swipe from the bottom to the top of the course. Unfortunately, easy access can not be done in the Galaxy S4, but now there is an easy trick to replace the way.

To access the advanced version of the Google Search app, you need to perform the following steps:
- Long press the Home button to bring the task switcher, and then tap the 'G' at the bottom of the screen, right in the middle.
- Put a shortcut to the application on the homescreen. If you frequently use Google Now, this option will allow you to access it only through one tap. By using widgets Google Now, you will be possible to see a preview without having to open the application.
- When on the homescreen, long press the Menu button. This will directly take you to the Google Search bar, and you'll find a feature Google Now in the bottom of your most recent search results.

Access Google Now

Google Now

This option is still not as fast to swipe upwards as in the other models, but once you get used to using Google Now in the Galaxy S4, then you will still be able to optimize its advantages.