Tips Windows 7: How to Prevent Laptop Overheating

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For laptop users who use Windows 7 every day for a long time (like a day at the office), you probably have / are experiencing this. Temperature increases with the laptop turned up the heat at the bottom of the laptop or even on the surface of the keyboard so that you are not comfortable typing fingers, can not be taken lightly because of the overheating of the laptop often crashes or sudden shutdown. It will get annoying when you are going in the middle of working on an important task, for example.

Heavy applications like games definitely need a fast PC performance. You may not experience any problems when running your favorite games or other demanding applications, but you have to realize that your laptop temperature increases when running the application. Then how to reduce heat in the laptop so as not to interfere with the performance of PCs and save the components in it?

The most common ways that you can do is to add a cooling pad. These accessories are sold in stores computer accessories, with a variety of models and prices. You also can lower the graphics options though both methods have had little impact on the decline in laptop temperature.

Another way that you can try to do to avoid laptop overheating is to lower the maximum processor state through the power setting. This tip is useful for those who frequently use heavy applications, games, old school laptop, or a new laptop but its warranty has expired so you can not trade them.

To alter the processor, you can open the Power Options in the Control Panel: Control Panel> Hardware and Sound> Power Options. Or, how rapidly is through a system tray menu.

Once open the Power Options window, select Change Plan Settings> Change Advanced Power Settings.

You will see a window appear. Select the (+) Processor Power Management> Maximum processor state. You will see the power option settings 'on battery' and 'plugged in'. By default, this option is 100%. Well, you can set it under 100%.

For 'on battery', please fill in the 85 and 95 for the 'plugged in'. You need to know that by reducing the max processor state temperature can be reduced laptop between 10-20 º C. If you want you can even reduce the processor state to be 80-85% to determine the resulting temperature difference.

Well, in this way you can avoid overheating in laptops that often causes Windows 7 to crash. But it should be noted, do not reduce the processor state is too low because it will affect the performance of your PC. Good luck :)