4 Application to Hide Files on Android Smartphone

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Some of our mobile users certainly have a video or photo that is private and does not want others to be able to access it. The photos of a personal nature must be hidden from others. If your Android smartphone users there are many applications that can help you hide these items. In fact not only the photos and videos, there are applications that can hide all types of files including SMS files and contacts. Also a variety of locking methods, there are encased with other applications, there is a hidden, and some even use a fake password and encryption. Here are 4 application that allows you to hide files in Android smartphone:

4 Application to Hide Files on Android Smartphone:

1. Vaulty Vaulty this application is an application that hide most famous for its use is quite easy. Staying just run the application and select the file to be hidden or select files via the Gallery and select "Share" and select "Vaulty". Photos or videos that we want to hide will be stored in a safe deposit box with a PIN or password. These safes are very safe, even, the files are already in the Vaulty was not accessible from the file manager. This application is not paid or free, but for maximum safety you can buy the paid version with additional display fake applications.

2.Hide it Pro you can safely store the files you want to hide with this application. This app can hide photos, videos, applications, messages, and even phone logs. With the look of fake Audio Manager application in advance, can be safely hidden files and eliminate suspicion. More sophisticated fake Audio Manager application can run and actually function as a regulator of audio. How to access files that exist in the safe, you simply press and hold the logo Audio Manager and enter the PIN or password. The happiest news is this free app is not paid.

3. KeepSafe One more application that will help you to hide pictures and videos in the gallery which is locked with a PIN. In any application you can view, zoom, etc. files that you hide. The trick is quite easy to select the file and select "Share" and select the application. The data stored in this application is not encrypted, but you can make a fake PIN that will lead us safely to the other galleries. This application also has a feature where Safe Send can be used to send images with limited time. This application is not the most secure but safe enough for daily use and do not forget, free.

4. Vault-Hide This application is complete and the application is very suitable for you who need a high level of security. This application can be used to hide pictures and videos with the encryption method that is also stored in the safe. This application can also hide contacts, text messages, and phone logs. More sophisticated if you register a phone number or contact, trace telephone and text messages from these numbers will not appear in the folder sms or call log. If you want more leverage, you can upgrade it to a paid version, where we are given a safe online, the facility to document who we are trying to open the safe, and the stealth mode where the application will be hidden.

Android applications serves to hide the files from fraudulent ones.

But maybe to be an expert, this application can be dismantled. So first the safest way is not to let your smartphone falls into the wrong hands. Not all this application is perfect, sometimes there are small errors, but errors can occur that could threaten your data. Make sure you always backup your data regularly and store them in a folder that is also locked.