How to Upload Photos to Instagram via Computer

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How To Upload Photos To Instagram Via Computer actually has nothing to do with that during the Fine Arts Blog we post them to you all, but admins think anyone knows there among you loyal blog visitors who have a hobby of art collecting the images on the computer and then intend to upload to instagram via pc computer.
Maybe some blogger friends there who know How to Upload pictures to Instagram via PC, but when admin blogsenirupa search on the internet trying to find not at all, there was this additional application of google chrome and apple safari that can not do much except give in instagram like, follow and comment on the photo uploads of others. while you can not upload your own photos through the additional application.

But I found a way Trick How to Upload Photos to Instagram using the PC by chance while browsing on the internet by utilizing one android application for PC. This application is actually devoted to the user through the HP Cool Online Games, but it turns out after I try to use to instagram, work 100%. and quite satisfactory, even though I use it a little bit complicated.

Without ado width now we start Tutorial How to Upload Photos to Instagram via PC:
For the first requirement is you must have an account to save your photo, can Facebook account, Picasawebgoogle, or Flickr yahoo because later we will upload a photo to a photo sharing is one of the main sites for next to Instagram. and I believe you must have an account.

After that you need to download the Android app for the PC Bluestacks official site at

once downloaded, please click 2x,. just follow the instructions that appear and download the install file to completion.
Please open Bluestacks application then select my apps then click search as I circled in red on the top right corner of the screenshot below.

How to Upload Photos to Instagram via PC

after that you type in the search field instagram. see image

How to Upload pictures to Instagram via PC

Now install the instagram app for the amount of about 8MB.
If you are finished simply select Photo and Install PicsArt Viewer application. see the picture I circled in red below.

How to Upload Photos to Instagram via computer

If all the above has happened warfare equipment installed, please restart your PC and open BlueStacks, then go on instagram app.

because there are many who ask, okay I explain in detail below.If your PC has restarted, please open Bluestack,. entered in the frontend open Instagram,.okay now I think you can log in his instagram. See the picture below

Please click that I circled in red above. and you will be taken to a screen similar to the image below:

Click the Photo Gallery, as shown above.

then select PicsArt Viewer as I circled in red above.
you will be taken to a page PicsArt Viewer as shown below:

In the above PicsArt Viewer you can choose which social plugin your photo stored, can Google Plus, Yahoo Flickr, Google Picasa or Facebook. I like that red and green circle above.
as a note: prior to upload a photo from one of the social plugins above, I suggest that you first login through the browser much easier.

I guess for her instagram app you already know all the ways to process and upload your photo.
I show an example screenshot below that which I use via Facebook: