Search Engine Submitter list using

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Submitter one in registering the web / blog to many Search Engine is a Free Web Submission, which is a free service providers in registering the web / blog kebanyak search engines. How to use it that we just enter the address of the web / blog in the field who have provided this site, just as the image below:

- Enter the URL of your website / blog
- Fill in your name

- Fill your Email
- Checklist i have read and agree to the terms button is on the side, and
- Click Button Submit Your Site

Once clicked, it will go on contacting the search engine page (Loading) to register a website / blog to the SE is available on this site

If completed, it will show a notification page successful and unsuccessful web / blog indexed in the search engines on the web sites provided by the provider because it all depends on each provider site search engines like google and bing will ask for confirmation. Click to complate for it if there were not a success and the Submission Failed to click the button that has been provided or under notice filed to enter the address, usually need to register for a site can be indexed d failed.

Click the Next button at the bottom if it. And will go into the next display is freewebsubmission asked to choose one for mempubliskannya html code in your website / blog
