Tips Android: Custom ROM and Stock ROM On Android

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Tips Android: Custom ROM and Stock ROM On Android is Very Simple.

 Tips Android: Custom ROM and Stock ROM On Android
Hello bloggers, how are you on this remarkable day, hopefully in good health my friend is always yes. Okay, in the previous post we already know about the versions that exist on android (read: Know Your Android versions ), so for this post I will be sharing about what the stock rom on android. as I've said before that the android is open source (read: Understanding Android - Android is Open Source ) to enable us to mengoprek our device to use as possible. There are some terms are confusing for beginner-beginners who want to develop / customize the Android OS on their phones. 

Term that include ROM, Stock ROM, and Custom ROM.  

What is ROM? ROM, аƖѕο known аѕ Read OnƖу Memory is part of the phone's memory stores system files from our devices. The files that are forming Operating System, be it in the Windows Mobile OS, Android, Symbian, iOS, and others. Every electronic device must have this ROM to store the basic program functions that can run these electronic devices. For example, television (TV), which we have also definitely have the ROM to store the features that it provides. Channel Settings, Menu, Volume, etc. and so on. And the system is stored in ROM that can be used to make our equipment to be "Out οf Thе Box". Without the ROM, equipment elektronnik there will never be. 

Understanding Stock ROM ROM available from the electronic device from its packaging opened shortly after being purchased from the store / distributor is Stock ROM, can be referred to the original ROM. And this is the official ROM software supplied electronic device manufacturer called OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture). Has it been understood, meaning Stock ROM can be said to be stable and is the official product of our own android devices. Did Stock ROM can be customized? Of course. Original ROM of some mobile OS like Windows Mobile Buzz, Android, Symbian can be customized according to the wishes of the custom developer. 

Understanding Custom ROM Custom ROM is Stock ROM that has been customized or developed as the user desires (in this case could be called a custom developer). Added applications, the development features and existing menus, eliminating the features and applications that are not needed, and so on. A custom ROM on your own can be developed only minor or no more additions and subtractions from the Stock ROM, or even change the overall look of the Stock ROM and add the drivers that can raise the performance of the OS. Likewise my post this time, may be useful for all of my friend