How to use twitter Custom API Key On Application Tweetings

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Who does not know dengat twitter this in 2013? Yep, social media sites are on the rise is used almost every person, so ... it is almost impossible not to know someone on twitter called the least even though a person has no account, must have heard of social media sites on this one.

Many interactions that can be done in twitter, like Status Update (Tweetings), mentions a user (Mention) or answering a tweet (Reply), messaging (Direct Message) to Upload Pictures and Video. Actually not much different from Facebook yea.

But, what makes twitter and facebook is: In Facebook, we are forced to view posts from a person who has become a "Friend" us, so if we have a "friend" is annoying with his status Alay or not clear, yes ... we are forced to enjoy it every day and if the person is not a "friend" us, then we can not interact with the

Which makes different twitter is: We can choose where the locations of people who appear in our twitter, so on twitter there is never such thing as coercion to content we Load, other than that we are also able to interact with all existing accounts in twitter without having to Follow the Mem-terlebihdahulu.

We can access twitter via his official website, namely and doing activities that I have mentioned above, but there is a 'tool' which also we can use to simplify using twitter especially if using a Smartphone.

Yep, the name of the "tools" that is twitter client whose status is 3rd-parties or third-party applications created by other people outside the party's own twitter using twitter API facility, so we do not need access to perform aktifikas in twitter.

And twitter client also has 2 versions, the desktop version or the more commonly used Computer or Laptop to use without having to install any application, such as or Opensource Dabr.

For example twitter client that we often see twitter client for 3rd Parties Mobile versions are: TweetCaster, Echofon, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Tweetbot, and others that require installation prior to use in our Device.

Twitter client names will appear on the bottom or on the side after our status updates, known as tweets source. The downside of this is a twitter client now can multilogin, danger if we use a public computer and we had forgotten to log out of his. We could not logout it from another computer. The computer should be, unless we are clicking-clear cookies / history we in the browser.

There are a lot of developers that provide this twitter client, because it is basically very profitable. Why? Twitter client because it can be used as land for income. For example: Onelouder Apps that sell TweetCaster Pro and Pro Slice or selling Tapbots Tweetbot.

We as users can simply choose which twitter client in accordance with our wishes and then use it and was finally able to get a twitter tweet source in accordance with the client's use.

But, wait a minute! Did you ever think to use the source of your own tweet? For instance if you make a tweet, the tweet its Source is the name of your own? Or the name of the agency, institution or even your community? If so ... So be grateful because here I want to make a simple tutorial for making this dream as a reality that can be applied.

And OK, I'll give you a tutorial to make your own using twitter client who needs a little help "Little bit" condition to be realized. Ie ...
Must have a Domain
Must have Webhost
Must be understood within the installation Dabr Webhosting
The terms of the above can be tricked in a way that is easy and at no cost, namely: List of Top Level Domain with Domain and Webhosting free Indonesia from IDHostinger. Please use the two terms of this tutorial is to continue to the next level (so language Njie cave)

Or if you do not want trouble with the above requirements, please make a twitter client to use the services provided by Status Via. Feel free to choice, you have a lot better offering from me here

And if you already have Webhosting + Domain or use of the Service Status Via, please read further this simple tutorial and extended with Intermezo mine, sorry for that.

Okay, let's start this tutorial by reading a prayer

Register a twitter client tutorial on Twitter
1.Log into the site / apps
2.Click the "Create a new application"

Fill in the columns with the data required in accordance with your wishes. Please note: Empty Callback URL field to the next tutorial.
3.Please edit your akeses twitter client to enter the Settings tab and then check the text "Read, Write and Access direct messages"

Installation Tutorial twitter client using Dabr
1.CPanel access you then go to the File Manager
2.Dabr file upload into your late Hosting. Then please extract the file Dabr in your Hostingan
3.Rename the file config-sample.php to config.php
4.Register a twitter client you on Twitter
5.Next, you will get called Customer and Customer Key Secret, well this is what we will use to display the "tweet-source" our
6.Back into the hosting, then edit a line in the config.php file
/ / Cookie encryption key. Max 52 characters
define ('ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'Key Example - Change Me!');

/ / OAuth consumer and secret keys. Available from
define ('OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY', 'fill Consumer Key Here');
define ('OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET', 'enter the Consumer Secret Here');
7.Yes Dabr congratulations you are able to be used. Source your tweets will be in accordance with the application name that you submitted on Twitter
Installation Tutorial twitter client uses Via Status
1.Log into the website / twitteradd.php
2.Register your twitter client
3.Follow the steps that they give
4.Congratulations. Twitter client you've successfully created
Actually up here just has to be said you already have your own twitter client that can be used according to your own wishes. But the status is still the Desktop version because if you want to use, then you should access the site that you use to store the twitter client.

And my goal to make this article actually is: To twitter client you can use in your Android Smartphone with the help of an application called Tweetings made by RBD Solution Limited.

So, its twitter client you will be the same as the features possessed by Tweetings app itself. Woh, its the same as the Premium app. Not cool tuh

Yeah ... I know you are cursing me because ngomongnya length really. This maap already become a habit, immediately wrote deh ya go to her tutorial to shorten the time.
1.Download Tweetings in Playstore | Approb
2.Install applications Tweetings in your Android Device
3.Once completed in Install, please enter the Option
4.Go into the menu Network & Stream. Then fill Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with your existing
5.Click Sign In. You will definitely get the message Error in Authentication Error Creditial

Please solve this problem by going kedama → Select the application you want to use in Tweetings → Settings → Fill column with Callback URL website address that you Install Dabr (Such or website address provided by Status Via (Such

6.Please try again to login

Congratulations. You already have their own twitter client with the help of apps Tweetings

Yes, you already have a Twitter tweet Source according to the application you submitted in Twitter.
Good luck