How to Use Twitter More Effectively

Ditulis oleh: -

Most of you know that Twitter can be used for more than just announce your status. Many of you already know the value of Twitter in business, but you still can take more advantage to market your business, grow your network and get free publicity - all in 140 characters or less.
Some people publish their daily activities, some make about love, sharing a few quotes of the day, trends and so on. Smart people use Twitter for business that mix.
Here are 62 ways to use Twitter more effectively in your business.
1.Help others who have problems.
2.Sharing tips related to your business and work-life balance.
3.Sharing travel photos, products and find something interesting.
4.Provide or to give information on the conference or event.
5.Industry reports, company, world and other news related to your business, along with some nice comments.
6.Links to articles and content your blog or web business.
7.Original post thoughts, your industry and business topics.
8.Ask about the other places so you can make the most of the trip, or meet up with friends on Twitter.
9.Connect with friends from other social networks.
10.Joining industry groups and topics related to your business and career sites such as and
11.Feed your tweet via Twitter to the other social networks like facebook.
12.Combining social media approach: when someone asks a question on Twitter, briefly responded on Twitter with a link to another site with a detailed response.
13.Participate in Twitter chats related to your industry or business on a regular basis. Although you have to be careful that the stream of tweets can overwhelm chat contacts that do not participate in the chat, so consider using a separate ID to chat.
14.Research prospects before meeting them. You can get a lot of valuable information just from scanning their tweets, profile and contacts.
15Discover the trends. You can use Twitter search for this purpose. Twitter also has a list of tools that you can use for tracking trends in Twitter.
16Network to find new clients or land a new job. Just be careful to make your tweets in the promotion.
17Stay connected with friends and colleagues. You never know when a friend of colleague may have led to you.
18.Get referrals.
19.Give referrals.
20.Ask a question.
21.Answer the question.
22.Recommend other Twitter users to your network, including the reasons for following them - by sharing your good intentions will encourage others to reply.
23.Use the search feature to find topics, keywords and location. Use hashtags or usernames to limit results to a topic or response calling someone.
Spread your tweets throughout the day, rather than posting at the same time, as people check Twitter at different times of the day.
Look for connections related to the job you want.
Find vendors and contractors.
Marketing Marketing
If your site does not work or you suffer from other problems, provide an update on Twitter to let customers know what's going on.
Find expert to invite a guest blogger on your blog or as a speaker at your event.
Looking for sponsors for the contest or program.
Hold a contest using the Twitter trending topics list building.
Use applications and tools such as and to increase your Twitter background and profile.
Collect virtual mastermind group.
Track the conversation by mentioning your name or your brand.
Responding to tweet talking about you and your brand.
Link to your content wisely and saving to avoid looking too promote.
Perform market research and gain knowledge with polls and surveys.
Share the results of surveys and polls.
Post a Twitter ID on all marketing collateral, including business cards, email signature, email newsletters, web sites and brochures, so prospects can learn more about you.
Share what you do so that people learn about the type of work you do.
Avoid selling tactics, focus on building relationships.
Write honest and valuable recommendations for your contacts on the actual sources.
Link to your presentations and videos.
Mention when you attend or speak at an upcoming event.
Announce your newsletter publication of the latest issue, along with a brief explanation.
Post discounts, coupons and package deals that relate to your business.
Announce job openings to find qualified talent.
Share useful information for potential clients or employers to enhance your reputation.
Fun even when you have a difference of opinion.
Save "Thank you for following me," "Thank you for the RT" or similar tweets to direct message (DM).
Use Twitter as often as possible to improve, tighten and sharpen your writing.
Remember to laugh and have fun because it inspires you to innovate and be creative in your work.
Make it your goal to force the public to you in reaching them.
Start your day with a few people find Twitter and interact to put them in a good mood.
Finally, Some Tips for Beginners
 Read his own Twitter Twitter User 101 and others.
Use keywords in your profile and fun facts to gain confidence, adding personality and allows you to be found.
Use a picture of yourself or a picture that fits.
Follow the experts, companies, competitors and leaders in your industry.
Limit Twitter automation, because there are false sebgian.
Think quality not quantity.
Be authentic, genuine and real. In other words, be yourself.
Mixing types tweet to include retweets (RT), @ replies, original thoughts, and links to other people's content (not just your own).
Do not be overwhelmed by the number of contacts you have. Organizing them in groups by using third-party applications such as TweetDeck and Seesmic.