How To Get a Verified Twitter Account (NEW)

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How To Get a Verified Twitter Account - Twitter puts "Verified Badge" on certain high profile user profile. This badge indicates that Twitter headquarters has confirmed that the account holder is actually the person (or organization) he claims to be. With verified account badge include @ NYTimes, @ britneyspears and @ gucci. Due to the volume of requests for account verification, Twitter no longer accept requests for badges verified as of March 2011. However, the company still reach some of the high profile new accounts: Charlie Sheen received a verified badge in March 2011.

How To Make Twitter Verified Account
1. Link to Twitter you from other reliable sources, such as your company website or your personal web site famous. Even if you do not receive an official verified badge of Twitter, this still serves to prove Twitter account is really you.

2. Make your Twitter account a public account (can be seen the crowds). Only publicly account for verification.

3. Post updates (always update) on your Twitter account. Twitter verification on your account will be active.

4. Contact your Account Manager if you are a partner Twitter Twitter today or advertisers. He will help you with the process verified badge.

5. Contact Twitter Support Center ( directly or through an agent or public relations firm to inquire about verification badge. Twitter is still verifying some accounts and issuing badges.


    Follow @ verified on Twitter for the latest updates on the account is verified and badges.
     If the verified badge disappears, do not worry. As a safety precaution, Twitter eliminate badges every time you update your profile. Employees routinely audit the verified account badge to restore.

References -> Twitter: About Account verified
Resources -> Twitter: Help Center.