Ditulis oleh: -

We will try to cheat the system point / seeds contained in
twiends itself is a provider of website follower / followers exchange, with the exchange of twitter followers we will have more followers. but you have to get a follower memfollow others to get some sedds / points that will be redeemed follower.

Well this time we will try to cheat Cheat the Seeds.
1. Log in to Twitter account.
2. Go to Twiends, and Go Twitter.
3. Authorization application, to use your Twitter account.
4. Once you are taken to the home page Twiends. Please visit
5. Enter the following Twiends Seeds Cheat code javascript in your browser's url bar. (If you're using Google Chrome, just press CTRL + Shift + J, then paste the code below, and press enter

javascript: / * * / tr_f function () {var followlinks = []; for (var i = 0; i <document.links.length; i + +) {if (document.links [i]. getAttribute (" class ") ==" follow ") {followlinks [followlinks.length] = document.links [i];}} / * * / for (var i = 0; i <followlinks.length; i + +) {var rrr = followlinks [i]. onclick ();}} tr_f ();

The steps above will make the point very rapid growth, but the number following on twitter you will also increase as you get your seeds, but do not worry. There is a way to unfollow in a fast time.

1. Go to ManageFlitter.
2. Click Start to manage your Twitter account.


3. Click Connect to Twitter.
4. Click on the Quick Edit to expand and show Twitter users who do not follow you back.
5. Highlight and select them all, then click "Unfollow Selected"
This will mass unfollow all Twitter users you follow and do not follow you back. In this way you can trim the users you follow.
Hope you enjoy this trick and cheat guide on Twiends Seeds to Get More Twitter Followers and how mass unfollow Twitter followers!

Note: Use with caution, limiting the amount of use in a day, because if the excess will be harmful to your twitter account. Wear a reasonable course ^ ^